10.7.07 | RETournament Finals
In the aftermath of WILD Returns we come to you next week with the RETournament Finals. Card is subject to change/mayhem is subject to happen!
1. Rick O'Hara in action!
2. RETournament Semi-Finals: Sean Gabriel vs Spunk
3. LRI (Stuart Robinson/VD Dod) vs Paddy Baker/Sit Kwok Fu
4. RETournament Semi-Finals: Jason Blackhart vs Dante Black
5. Tommy Fiero/Dan Sommers vs Angelo Sabatini/Bobo Gomez
6. RETournament Finals: X vs X
WILD Saturday Night #1
WILD Saturday Night’s debut match featured the mugging of beanpole Randy Scrimps by angry Scotsman Jimmy Cliff, who showed off his brawling skills against his outweighed opponent. This was only a fifteen-minute match but Cliff drew the beating out as long as possible, even picking Scrimps’ shoulders off the mat when victory could have been his! This display of bullying rallied a good portion of the fans to Scrimps’ cause as they chanted “Lightning” to fire him up. It worked, and Scrimps fought back with all his might during the final minutes, forcing a draw with Cliff, who welcomed the heroics with a staunch beating.
Ladies action was next and for all of you doubting the ability of the girlies to bring the pain I introduce you to Miss Cynthia San Martino. This Latina she-tank may look like she fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down but is so mean she would take a chainsaw to the entire forest for revenge! Goth princess Whisper found out first hand just how nasty San Martino is, trying to use assorted trickery to set up fancy leg submissions but finding her opponent largely immobile and easily angered. A cringe inducing ass kicking later and San Martino was the victor, barking to the audience in Spanish that she is unbeatable!
The Busch Boyz looked like they might run away with their match against David DaVinci and Rhodey Colosso in quick fashion; truly earning the moniker Tag Team Specialists, bitch! All signs pointed to a rout, that is until the Grecian Giant Colosso exploded with rage, sending the Busch Boyz scattering for cover lest they be crushed! But, like any good tag team, Raz and Duz adapted, with Raz repeatedly low blowing Colosso while Duz provided distraction of referee Gen Hirayama, enabling the brothers Busch to drag Colosso outside for a beating.
But Colosso and DaVinci are no strangers to outside brawling, having cut their teeth in the chaotic Valiant Wrestling Alliance, and took this change in locale in stride. The result was a double count-out, as these two teams with no reason to hate each other before the match fought like mortal enemies amidst the clanging of ring bell.
Universal Battle League star Jang Bae looked like he was working out some aggression against The Masked Grappler in the next bout, taking ten more minutes than he probably needed to put away his pasty patsy in convincing fashion. Bae, a Tae Kwon Do master, used a quick strike early to stain the Grappler’s mask with blood and then proceeded to give a clinic on how to destroy your opponent’s arm. Really ugly bout, mostly due to The Masked Grappler’s participation.
Juan Leche, Matt D and 50 Centavos took on MPLL’s Pedro Guterez, Hector Romero and Jay Gold in trios action next, but it was clear right from the start this was not your every day technicos vs rudos fight. In fact, Leche and Matt D snubbed their noses at the heelish tactics employed by partner 50 Centavos … that is until the three-pronged attack of EVIL brought forth by the MPLL team made them rethink their strategy! And all of this in the first ten minutes!
What followed was an absolutely amazing six-man tag, with the “technicos” fighting the good fight, led by an amazing Matt D (who has aged like an 80’s sitcom child star, think Brian Bonsall) and WILD Jr. Ace Juan Leche. 50 Centavos helped out with many a knee to the groin, setting up Leche for the win via murder backdrop.
Told he needs “seasoning”, Aleks Dodstva had a match arranged for him against a “lesser opponent” on the WILD “B” show. But the “lesser opponent” turned out to be Tomohiro Ito, who came out right from the start throwing everything he had in match number six. This strategy succeeded in confusing the Russian Dod for a good ten minutes as he absorbed an unhealthy amount of punishment while clumsily missing with wide swings of his arms.
But once he got his hands on Ito the crowd gasped with the impact of his blows, one of which sent him flying over the top rope! Somehow Ito resisted the assault, scampering back in the ring and catching Dodstva with a lariat as he followed. This stunned the brute, allowing Ito to knock him for a loop with a powerbomb and the shining wizard that won the match. Observers caught the disappointed reaction of Ronnie and Caleb Dod to this loss as they stood shaking their heads disapprovingly from the entrance way at their rumored-to-be-very-expensive hired muscle.
The main event saw Paddy Baker and Celtic Bruiser-in-training, Sit Kwok Fu, take on the returning Paradigm and Sonny Siguri in tag action. Paradigm looked like he was harboring a grudge here, wrestling intensely as he gave Baker and Fu a real run for their money! Siguri offered little to this one, getting belted around with ease, but this only served to further rile up Paradigm, whose combination of high flying and suplexes forced Baker to save his partner from certain defeat several times. No idea if the multiple pin attempts were part of a strategy to wear Baker out, but it worked, as he just couldn’t make it in time to rescue Fu after he took a nasty frog splash.
While Baker tended to a shocked Fu after the match Paradigm grabbed a mic and bitched about getting booked on the “B” show, claiming to be held under a glass ceiling for the last two years and how it was about time he was given a chance to shine. As Baker was leaving the ring he could be heard to say “Give it a rest kid, this is the main event, what more do ya want?”
Paradigm then launched into Baker, telling him to stuff it and then proceeding to run down his family, his age, his weight, his drinking problem and the Valiant Wrestling Alliance. Baker ignored all of this until Paradigm then trashed the Mid-Continental Heavyweight Championship, saying it wasn’t fit for a bottle opener, much less a wrestling title. This stopped Baker dead in his tracks but Paradigm didn’t notice, having turned around to trash the audience for not cheering for him more.
Baker marched back to the ring and tapped Paradigm on the shoulder, who just waved off the interruption as if you would to a fly. Snorting through his nose, Baker then spun the insolent brat around and blasted him with an elbow to the temple, dropping him like a sack of meat.
“My family is a bunch of ungrateful slobs, the lot of ‘em. I’m damn near sixty years old and fifty pounds overweight but I’d still outwrestle a punk like you. I don’t have a drinking problem, it makes it to my lips just fine. And the VWA is just one of dozens of promotions I’ve worked in over the years, there’s no loyalty there …”
“But the Mid-Continental Heavyweight Championship is older than your daddy, boy and deserves your respect. You remember that the next time you start whining about your place, or I’ll make sure you’ll be taking a piss sitting down for the rest of your worthless life!”
1) Jimmy Cliff ~15:00 Time-Up!~ Randy Scrimps
2) Cynthia San Martino ~9:34 Vader Hammers~ Whisper
3) The Busch Boyz [Raz Busch/ Duz Busch] ~17:36 Double Count-Out! ~ David DaVinci/ Rhodey Colosso
4) Jang Bae ~14:11 Victor Arm Cross~ The Masked Grappler
5) Juan Leche O/ Matt D/ 50 Centavos ~26:15 Murder Backdrop~ Pedro Guterez/ Hector Romero X/ Jay Gold
6) Tomohiro Ito ~15:06 Shining Wizard~ Aleks Dodstva
7) Paradigm O/ Sonny Siguri ~18:37 Frog Splash~ Paddy Baker/ Sit Kwok Fu X
Ladies action was next and for all of you doubting the ability of the girlies to bring the pain I introduce you to Miss Cynthia San Martino. This Latina she-tank may look like she fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down but is so mean she would take a chainsaw to the entire forest for revenge! Goth princess Whisper found out first hand just how nasty San Martino is, trying to use assorted trickery to set up fancy leg submissions but finding her opponent largely immobile and easily angered. A cringe inducing ass kicking later and San Martino was the victor, barking to the audience in Spanish that she is unbeatable!
The Busch Boyz looked like they might run away with their match against David DaVinci and Rhodey Colosso in quick fashion; truly earning the moniker Tag Team Specialists, bitch! All signs pointed to a rout, that is until the Grecian Giant Colosso exploded with rage, sending the Busch Boyz scattering for cover lest they be crushed! But, like any good tag team, Raz and Duz adapted, with Raz repeatedly low blowing Colosso while Duz provided distraction of referee Gen Hirayama, enabling the brothers Busch to drag Colosso outside for a beating.
But Colosso and DaVinci are no strangers to outside brawling, having cut their teeth in the chaotic Valiant Wrestling Alliance, and took this change in locale in stride. The result was a double count-out, as these two teams with no reason to hate each other before the match fought like mortal enemies amidst the clanging of ring bell.
Universal Battle League star Jang Bae looked like he was working out some aggression against The Masked Grappler in the next bout, taking ten more minutes than he probably needed to put away his pasty patsy in convincing fashion. Bae, a Tae Kwon Do master, used a quick strike early to stain the Grappler’s mask with blood and then proceeded to give a clinic on how to destroy your opponent’s arm. Really ugly bout, mostly due to The Masked Grappler’s participation.
Juan Leche, Matt D and 50 Centavos took on MPLL’s Pedro Guterez, Hector Romero and Jay Gold in trios action next, but it was clear right from the start this was not your every day technicos vs rudos fight. In fact, Leche and Matt D snubbed their noses at the heelish tactics employed by partner 50 Centavos … that is until the three-pronged attack of EVIL brought forth by the MPLL team made them rethink their strategy! And all of this in the first ten minutes!
What followed was an absolutely amazing six-man tag, with the “technicos” fighting the good fight, led by an amazing Matt D (who has aged like an 80’s sitcom child star, think Brian Bonsall) and WILD Jr. Ace Juan Leche. 50 Centavos helped out with many a knee to the groin, setting up Leche for the win via murder backdrop.
Told he needs “seasoning”, Aleks Dodstva had a match arranged for him against a “lesser opponent” on the WILD “B” show. But the “lesser opponent” turned out to be Tomohiro Ito, who came out right from the start throwing everything he had in match number six. This strategy succeeded in confusing the Russian Dod for a good ten minutes as he absorbed an unhealthy amount of punishment while clumsily missing with wide swings of his arms.
But once he got his hands on Ito the crowd gasped with the impact of his blows, one of which sent him flying over the top rope! Somehow Ito resisted the assault, scampering back in the ring and catching Dodstva with a lariat as he followed. This stunned the brute, allowing Ito to knock him for a loop with a powerbomb and the shining wizard that won the match. Observers caught the disappointed reaction of Ronnie and Caleb Dod to this loss as they stood shaking their heads disapprovingly from the entrance way at their rumored-to-be-very-expensive hired muscle.
The main event saw Paddy Baker and Celtic Bruiser-in-training, Sit Kwok Fu, take on the returning Paradigm and Sonny Siguri in tag action. Paradigm looked like he was harboring a grudge here, wrestling intensely as he gave Baker and Fu a real run for their money! Siguri offered little to this one, getting belted around with ease, but this only served to further rile up Paradigm, whose combination of high flying and suplexes forced Baker to save his partner from certain defeat several times. No idea if the multiple pin attempts were part of a strategy to wear Baker out, but it worked, as he just couldn’t make it in time to rescue Fu after he took a nasty frog splash.
While Baker tended to a shocked Fu after the match Paradigm grabbed a mic and bitched about getting booked on the “B” show, claiming to be held under a glass ceiling for the last two years and how it was about time he was given a chance to shine. As Baker was leaving the ring he could be heard to say “Give it a rest kid, this is the main event, what more do ya want?”
Paradigm then launched into Baker, telling him to stuff it and then proceeding to run down his family, his age, his weight, his drinking problem and the Valiant Wrestling Alliance. Baker ignored all of this until Paradigm then trashed the Mid-Continental Heavyweight Championship, saying it wasn’t fit for a bottle opener, much less a wrestling title. This stopped Baker dead in his tracks but Paradigm didn’t notice, having turned around to trash the audience for not cheering for him more.
Baker marched back to the ring and tapped Paradigm on the shoulder, who just waved off the interruption as if you would to a fly. Snorting through his nose, Baker then spun the insolent brat around and blasted him with an elbow to the temple, dropping him like a sack of meat.
“My family is a bunch of ungrateful slobs, the lot of ‘em. I’m damn near sixty years old and fifty pounds overweight but I’d still outwrestle a punk like you. I don’t have a drinking problem, it makes it to my lips just fine. And the VWA is just one of dozens of promotions I’ve worked in over the years, there’s no loyalty there …”
“But the Mid-Continental Heavyweight Championship is older than your daddy, boy and deserves your respect. You remember that the next time you start whining about your place, or I’ll make sure you’ll be taking a piss sitting down for the rest of your worthless life!”
1) Jimmy Cliff ~15:00 Time-Up!~ Randy Scrimps
2) Cynthia San Martino ~9:34 Vader Hammers~ Whisper
3) The Busch Boyz [Raz Busch/ Duz Busch] ~17:36 Double Count-Out! ~ David DaVinci/ Rhodey Colosso
4) Jang Bae ~14:11 Victor Arm Cross~ The Masked Grappler
5) Juan Leche O/ Matt D/ 50 Centavos ~26:15 Murder Backdrop~ Pedro Guterez/ Hector Romero X/ Jay Gold
6) Tomohiro Ito ~15:06 Shining Wizard~ Aleks Dodstva
7) Paradigm O/ Sonny Siguri ~18:37 Frog Splash~ Paddy Baker/ Sit Kwok Fu X
9.26 + 10.03 House Shows!
We'll be kicking things off with two house shows, as well as announcing that every saturday night we will be bringing you WILD Saturday Night!
1. Kyle Walker/M.Y. Stereo (MPLL) vs Rick O'Hara/Meeeesteereeeoseees(MPLL)
2. WILD TV Championship: Sit Kwok Fu(C) vs RUINER (Spunk Pro)
3. Dan Sommers/HOCK vs Angelo Sabatini/Bobo Gomez
4. VD Dod vs Paddy Baker
5. Tommy Fiero vs Juan Leche
1. M.Y. Stereo (MPLL) vs Meeeesteereeeoseees(MPLL)
2. WILD TV Championship: Sit Kwok Fu(C) vs Fat Lip
3. Dan Sommers vs He-Mano(MPLL)
4. LRI (Stuart Robinson/VD Dod) vs The Ninja Express (Ninja I/Ninja II) (VWA)
5. Dante Black vs ORCA (VWA)
6. Jason Blackhart vs Ronnie Dod
1. Kyle Walker/M.Y. Stereo (MPLL) vs Rick O'Hara/Meeeesteereeeoseees(MPLL)
2. WILD TV Championship: Sit Kwok Fu(C) vs RUINER (Spunk Pro)
3. Dan Sommers/HOCK vs Angelo Sabatini/Bobo Gomez
4. VD Dod vs Paddy Baker
5. Tommy Fiero vs Juan Leche
1. M.Y. Stereo (MPLL) vs Meeeesteereeeoseees(MPLL)
2. WILD TV Championship: Sit Kwok Fu(C) vs Fat Lip
3. Dan Sommers vs He-Mano(MPLL)
4. LRI (Stuart Robinson/VD Dod) vs The Ninja Express (Ninja I/Ninja II) (VWA)
5. Dante Black vs ORCA (VWA)
6. Jason Blackhart vs Ronnie Dod
[ 9.23.07 | WILD Returns! ]
Its back! Its WILD! Its now! Welcome to Pro-Wrestling WILD, reborn tonight, kicking things off in style! The Unified WILD Heavyweight Championship will be defended; Jack Dod challenging Twinky McLanahan! The returns of Fat Lip, Brian Lee, Dante Black and yes, Jason Blackhart! We have a tournament to set up who will challenge the champion after tonight and much, much more! We have debuts of Angelo Sabatini, Kyle Walker, Sit Kwok Fu and the WILD International Heavyweight Champion, Dan Sommers!
We kick things off with a tournament match; Sean Gabriel vs Stuart Robinson! This was set to go on second, but, well, there was a scuffle backstage between the two, so officials have decided to take this momentum and toss them out there first!
(Note: It is best to read/watch in order as to not be spoiled)
1. RETournament: Sean Gabriel vs Stuart Robinson
This match was brutal, Stuart taking his sweet time coming out to the ring, as many had reported Stuart seemed to be complaining about a headache, looked worn down and many believe he was a bit hung over, this of course greatly pleased Sean Gabriel, who throughout the match was yelling at him, berating him for not being able to handle his liquor like an Irishman! It was a grueling match, nothing less than you'd expect from these two, with the finish seeing Gabriel hitting a huge superplex on Stuart, which was believed to do the damage on him, but refusing the pin, instead calling for the Cloverplex! Stuart tried to fend him off by raking the eyes, but Gabriel, a man who has been maced many, many times in his life while brawling it out in bars was able to dust it off and spike Stuart on his head with the Cloverplex, not even bothering to hold it for the pin, instead letting the ref call the match, as Stuart is completely out of it!
Sean Gabriel (Cloverplex -> CRITICAL) Stuart Robinson
Stuart being helped out by the army of refs and officials now as Gabriel is taunting him, and we have LRI meeting him at the top of the ramp, pushing the officials away and helping him to the back. We have word now that Fat Lip has attacked Paddy Baker with a cheap shot backstage! This is... Not something you want to do to the surly Celt, as he went after all three members of LRI, with Sit joining in. Officials were quick to break this up and rushed them out for the next match.
2. LRI (Fat Lip/VD Dod) vs Paddy Baker/Sit Kwok Fu
Brutal! These guys never stop!
Fat Lip/VD Dod (NO CONTEST) Paddy Baker/Sit Kwok Fu
It takes minutes and a slew of officials to break this up, as none of these four men want to stop, and here comes Gabriel! Things have just gone to hell here, and here comes Stuart, sporting a neck brace and not caring, a long strand of medical tape billowing behind him and we have a BRAWL folks! Officials have finally gotten things under control, but this was just wild!
Our next match is the second RETournament bout, and this one is laden with years upon years of history. Brian Lee and Spunk are no strangers at all to each other, feuding from C-CWA to WILD, both men exchanging wins, fighting over titles. What we are in store for tonight will be nothing less than a grudge match, with Brian Lee having a lot to prove
3. RETournament: Spunk vs Brian Lee
This match had it all, and shows that Brian Lee is an upper-echelon wrestlers in WILD and will be a force to be reckoned with in the coming weeks. It was back and forth until Lee took firm control with the leg work, then hitting the LSD only for Spunk to somehow muster up enough strength to kick out! Spunk tried to escape to the outside but Lee was unrelenting, landing an insane dive onto Spunk, only for Spunk to powerbomb Lee hard onto the unforgiving mats! Lee gets the upperhand and attempts to get Spunk counted out, but Spunk able to make it back in and beat the count. Now he is mad. Lee eats a SFK! Spunk goes for hte cover up Lee knows exactly where he is and gets his foot on the ropes. Spunk back up, and just as Lee springs up gets caught with ANOTHER! Spunk drags him into the middle of the ring for the 1...2...3!
Spunk (Saikyo Face Kick --> Pinfall) Brian Lee
So in the RETournament so far we have Sean Gabriel and Spunk moving on to the semi-finals next week, both men set to face off against each other. The next match is a match with four newcomers to the WILD ring, as Kyle Walker is set to team with the wily vet Angelo Sabitini to face off with the current WILD International Heavyweight Champion and a BINGO-1 star, Dan Hanson!
Wait, we have word that we have a disturbance backstage! It is Dan Sommers and Seamus McFadden.
Seamus: Dan mah boy, where is your partner? I mean, how unprofessional can you get?
*Dan laughs and pats Seamus on the back hard, jolting him*
Dan: That boy, oh that boy ain't 'gun be here, oh no.
Seamus: What?!
Dan: Las' time I seen that lil fucker was at dem damned titty bar.
Seamus: You took him to a strip club?
Dan: Well a man ain't gun team with no pussy who ain't abl'ta handle a beer an' some tits! Last time I saws him, he wuz drunk outa his mind, Seamus. Dem dere boy grabbed 'em titties an' got his ass whupped real good by dem dere niggers watchin' over 'em titties an' I hadta get outta dere.
*Seamus pauses, trying to A) understand what he just said, and B) trying to assess the situation*
Seamus: So.. You are going to go into a tag team match... On your own?!
Dan: Oh yeahhhhh *he clasps his hands and licks his lips* Poolboy and wop daigo gun' feel mah wrath.
Seamus: Bollocks! We are getting you a partner, boy!
*Dan begins to protest when JOHNNY BINGO~!!! (***) strolls on by, in his short shorts and all as he interjects*
Bingo: I hear you boys are in a bind.
Seamus: Johnny, mah boy, what brings you here to WILD tonight. I hear one'f'ya boys didn't quite make it. Seems like mah boy Dan was a bit much for him to handle.
Bingo: I heard. I'm here because I got the call.
Seamus and Dan together: The call!
Bingo: That I did, they told me they needed a special enforcer for the main event tonight. Some ill feelings backstage towards both Dod and Twinky, so I'm going to call it right down the middle!
Seamus: Aye, not a finer boy for the job, I'm sure. Say, uh, you wouldn't have anybody 'round who might be able to fill in for Hanson, would ya, mah boy?
*Bingo scratches his chin, then walks over to his trailer, Seamus and Dan following him*
Dan: Seamus I ain't need no'buda in my corner! I'm 'gun fuck 'em both 'til they bleedin' outta dere asses!
Bingo: Ah ha! Well...
*A couple of loud bangs come from behind the trailer, as well as the sound of a chain, and he calls them both of over, only to see a giant hoss of a grizzly man chained up smashing his fists against the trailer*
Bingo: HOCK is around if you'd want to..
*HOCK gets in the face of Dan Sommers and screams, only for Dan to turn to Seamus*
Dan: Oh dis dere moth'rfuck'll do nice!
*Bingo sighs as he pulls out the key to the chain*
Bingo: You sure about this, boys?
*Dan clasps his hands together and drools a bit*
Seamus: Well I..
Dan: Dis here boy'll do just fine!
Bingo: .. Alright.
*He unchains HOCK and HOCK punches Sommers in the eyes, only for Sommers to do the same, both men nod and walk back into the building as Seamus begins to follow, only to stop and raise his cane*
Seamus: Thank you mah boy, oh, and could I have a word with you?
Bingo: ... Sure.
4. Kyle Walker/Angelo Sabitini vs Dan Sommers/HOCK
Dan and HOCK were unleashed upon the ring and it was wild, that is for sure! Kyle had to fight through the random 'POOL BOY' chants from hecklers, and brutality from these two men seemed to be on tap for tonight. Angelo though will not be denied, a powerful brute of a man who took everything and dished it right back! Sommers seemed to want to murder both men, as well as make fools of them, as Angelo hit the big powerslam on HOCK, only for Sommers to come in, shout at HOCK to get his ass up and go back to the apron! Sommers and Angelo battled it out at the end, only for Sommers to hit Angelo's own Powerslam on him and lock in the Scorpion Deathlock and force him to tap out and take a hit in the pride department!
Dan Sommers(O)/HOCK (Powerslam -> Alabama Deathlock) Angelo Sabitini(X)/Kyle Walker
This next match is another RETournament bout, between that pretentious prick, Tommy Fiero and the legend himself, Dante Black, making his return to action after a long layoff! From what we understand, Dante went through a lot of soul searching, lots of training and is back and better than ever! But is he ready for the very dangerous Tommy Fiero right off the bat?
5. RETournament: Dante Black vs Tommy Fiero
The action was hot and heavy, as Dante proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was no ring rust here! The fans got everything the could have bargained for out of this one and more, with an amazingly, well, Fiero finish. Dante hitting the huge HULK BUSTER on Fiero, and Fiero somehow staggering to his feet, only to get bashed back down to the mat and pinned for the 3-count. There is no doubt that both of these men are on top of their game, and that tonight was Dante's night, as he makes a successful return to action!
Dante Black (Hulk Buster -> Pinfall) Tommy Fiero
Our last RETournament bout is a huge hossfest of a match, as Caleb Dod, the DOD SQUAD muscle takes on the returning SUPERFUCKING STAR, JASON BLACKHART! The anticipation is building as Caleb makes his way down the ramp to a mixed reaction, only for, yes, JASON BLACKHART HAS ARRIVED..
WAIT... WAIT... This is some Dod trickery -- POLLY DOD!? POLLY IN A REF'S SHIRT?! Jason is shaking here, as it looks like Jack Dod has arranged for Polly Dod, Jason's WEAKNESS to be the ref for this match!
6. RETournament: Jason Blackhart vs Caleb Dod
To say the odds are stacked against Jason is a bit much here, the woman that he, of all people, Jason Blackhart, might love is in the ring as the ref, while Caleb Dod is hungry and looking for blood. Caleb goes right to work at dismantling JB, a quick count on JB to start the match, and JB is looking at Polly in dismay, how could she do this to him? Caleb with a Calebomb, but Jason gets the ropes, this is just brutal! JB trying to fight back -- HAND OF DOD -- WAIT! KICK TO THE BALLS! DECEPTICON DRIVER! DD! DD! THE FANS ARE GOING CRAZY! Caleb is completely out of it, he can't get up! This one is over! Polly has no choice but to call for the bell on this one.
Jason Blackhart (Decepticon Driver --> CRITICAL) Caleb Dod
Wait! HOLY DHIY! Jason has Polly, and he is forcing a big kiss onto her, and Polly looks like.. Oh my god, she might like it! Polly has fainted! Polly Dod has fainted from the force of Jason Blackhart's mighty kiss! JB going to all 4 corners to celebrate and the crowd is going WILD! JASON BLACKHART IS BACK!
The fans are electric now, as this show has them on edge now, its been a wild and crazy night so far, and we have reached the end of the line, the UWH Championship match between Jack Dod and Twinky McLanahan! The big one! We've been waiting for this rematch for over a year now, and its here!
7. Unified WILD Heavyweight Championship: Twinky McLanahan (C) vs Jack Dod
Ladies and gentlemen, your special ENFORCER referee for this huge main event, JOHNNY BINGO! Bingo makes his way to the ring to a loud applause as the lights go dim, the Dod Squad symbol appears on the big screen, here comes JACK DOD!
Now, the Champion, Twinky McLanahan makes his way to the ring, brandishing the UWH Championship, what everybody is here to see! This is going to be insane, and the fans are already going wild for this.
Watch this if you watch nothing else on this. No write up will do this video justice.
This was everything we could come to expect from these two meeting, and truly the next chapter in where this goes, this time Jack Dod low-blowing and FOUR FIGURE LEG LOCKIN' his way to become the champion for an unprecedented second time! The fans do not know what to make of this, but the DOD ERA begins anew, and nobody knows what to expect this time around!
Jack Dod (Four Figure Leg Lock) Twinky McLanahan
Wait.. Wait.. WHAT!?
WHAT THE FUCK!? That music.. JASON BLACKHART! JASON BLACKHART IS STORMING THE RING! A ref tries to stop him on the outside -- STUNNER! STUNNER! Haddes is down! Haddes down! Johnny Bingo looks on in dismay, as Jack Dod is attempting to celebrate in the ring! JB up top, FUCK YOU!, going for the diving lariat! The Champ moves out of the way! A smile on the face of the champ as JB gets up, he is inviting him to come at him -- STUNNER ON THE CHAMP! Refs are coming in trying to stop this! MDK in the ring! CHAIR TO THE SKULL! He tries to get up and eats a lariat to the back of the skull completely killing him dead as Johnny Bingo is left, he doesn't know what to do, kick to JB! Aww hell, that'll just piss him off! Chokeslam onto the chair! MOOSE STRAGULATION!!!!!!! He picks up the dazed Bingo, STUNNER! STUNNER! STUNNER! JB boogying in the ring! BAH GAWD JB IS A HOUSE ON FIRE TONIGHT! JB IS BACK! WILD IS BACK! NEW HERO!
JB making his way to the back as the fans are calming down, Twinky trying to recompose himself and take his bows to the crowd.. The fans will always respect and love Twinky Mc... JB turns around! We get a bit of a staredown, but it looks like.. OH DEAR! STUNNER! STUNNER!
We kick things off with a tournament match; Sean Gabriel vs Stuart Robinson! This was set to go on second, but, well, there was a scuffle backstage between the two, so officials have decided to take this momentum and toss them out there first!
(Note: It is best to read/watch in order as to not be spoiled)
1. RETournament: Sean Gabriel vs Stuart Robinson
This match was brutal, Stuart taking his sweet time coming out to the ring, as many had reported Stuart seemed to be complaining about a headache, looked worn down and many believe he was a bit hung over, this of course greatly pleased Sean Gabriel, who throughout the match was yelling at him, berating him for not being able to handle his liquor like an Irishman! It was a grueling match, nothing less than you'd expect from these two, with the finish seeing Gabriel hitting a huge superplex on Stuart, which was believed to do the damage on him, but refusing the pin, instead calling for the Cloverplex! Stuart tried to fend him off by raking the eyes, but Gabriel, a man who has been maced many, many times in his life while brawling it out in bars was able to dust it off and spike Stuart on his head with the Cloverplex, not even bothering to hold it for the pin, instead letting the ref call the match, as Stuart is completely out of it!
Sean Gabriel (Cloverplex -> CRITICAL) Stuart Robinson
Stuart being helped out by the army of refs and officials now as Gabriel is taunting him, and we have LRI meeting him at the top of the ramp, pushing the officials away and helping him to the back. We have word now that Fat Lip has attacked Paddy Baker with a cheap shot backstage! This is... Not something you want to do to the surly Celt, as he went after all three members of LRI, with Sit joining in. Officials were quick to break this up and rushed them out for the next match.
2. LRI (Fat Lip/VD Dod) vs Paddy Baker/Sit Kwok Fu
Brutal! These guys never stop!
Fat Lip/VD Dod (NO CONTEST) Paddy Baker/Sit Kwok Fu
It takes minutes and a slew of officials to break this up, as none of these four men want to stop, and here comes Gabriel! Things have just gone to hell here, and here comes Stuart, sporting a neck brace and not caring, a long strand of medical tape billowing behind him and we have a BRAWL folks! Officials have finally gotten things under control, but this was just wild!
Our next match is the second RETournament bout, and this one is laden with years upon years of history. Brian Lee and Spunk are no strangers at all to each other, feuding from C-CWA to WILD, both men exchanging wins, fighting over titles. What we are in store for tonight will be nothing less than a grudge match, with Brian Lee having a lot to prove
3. RETournament: Spunk vs Brian Lee
This match had it all, and shows that Brian Lee is an upper-echelon wrestlers in WILD and will be a force to be reckoned with in the coming weeks. It was back and forth until Lee took firm control with the leg work, then hitting the LSD only for Spunk to somehow muster up enough strength to kick out! Spunk tried to escape to the outside but Lee was unrelenting, landing an insane dive onto Spunk, only for Spunk to powerbomb Lee hard onto the unforgiving mats! Lee gets the upperhand and attempts to get Spunk counted out, but Spunk able to make it back in and beat the count. Now he is mad. Lee eats a SFK! Spunk goes for hte cover up Lee knows exactly where he is and gets his foot on the ropes. Spunk back up, and just as Lee springs up gets caught with ANOTHER! Spunk drags him into the middle of the ring for the 1...2...3!
Spunk (Saikyo Face Kick --> Pinfall) Brian Lee
So in the RETournament so far we have Sean Gabriel and Spunk moving on to the semi-finals next week, both men set to face off against each other. The next match is a match with four newcomers to the WILD ring, as Kyle Walker is set to team with the wily vet Angelo Sabitini to face off with the current WILD International Heavyweight Champion and a BINGO-1 star, Dan Hanson!
Wait, we have word that we have a disturbance backstage! It is Dan Sommers and Seamus McFadden.
Seamus: Dan mah boy, where is your partner? I mean, how unprofessional can you get?
*Dan laughs and pats Seamus on the back hard, jolting him*
Dan: That boy, oh that boy ain't 'gun be here, oh no.
Seamus: What?!
Dan: Las' time I seen that lil fucker was at dem damned titty bar.
Seamus: You took him to a strip club?
Dan: Well a man ain't gun team with no pussy who ain't abl'ta handle a beer an' some tits! Last time I saws him, he wuz drunk outa his mind, Seamus. Dem dere boy grabbed 'em titties an' got his ass whupped real good by dem dere niggers watchin' over 'em titties an' I hadta get outta dere.
*Seamus pauses, trying to A) understand what he just said, and B) trying to assess the situation*
Seamus: So.. You are going to go into a tag team match... On your own?!
Dan: Oh yeahhhhh *he clasps his hands and licks his lips* Poolboy and wop daigo gun' feel mah wrath.
Seamus: Bollocks! We are getting you a partner, boy!
*Dan begins to protest when JOHNNY BINGO~!!! (***) strolls on by, in his short shorts and all as he interjects*
Bingo: I hear you boys are in a bind.
Seamus: Johnny, mah boy, what brings you here to WILD tonight. I hear one'f'ya boys didn't quite make it. Seems like mah boy Dan was a bit much for him to handle.
Bingo: I heard. I'm here because I got the call.
Seamus and Dan together: The call!
Bingo: That I did, they told me they needed a special enforcer for the main event tonight. Some ill feelings backstage towards both Dod and Twinky, so I'm going to call it right down the middle!
Seamus: Aye, not a finer boy for the job, I'm sure. Say, uh, you wouldn't have anybody 'round who might be able to fill in for Hanson, would ya, mah boy?
*Bingo scratches his chin, then walks over to his trailer, Seamus and Dan following him*
Dan: Seamus I ain't need no'buda in my corner! I'm 'gun fuck 'em both 'til they bleedin' outta dere asses!
Bingo: Ah ha! Well...
*A couple of loud bangs come from behind the trailer, as well as the sound of a chain, and he calls them both of over, only to see a giant hoss of a grizzly man chained up smashing his fists against the trailer*
Bingo: HOCK is around if you'd want to..
*HOCK gets in the face of Dan Sommers and screams, only for Dan to turn to Seamus*
Dan: Oh dis dere moth'rfuck'll do nice!
*Bingo sighs as he pulls out the key to the chain*
Bingo: You sure about this, boys?
*Dan clasps his hands together and drools a bit*
Seamus: Well I..
Dan: Dis here boy'll do just fine!
Bingo: .. Alright.
*He unchains HOCK and HOCK punches Sommers in the eyes, only for Sommers to do the same, both men nod and walk back into the building as Seamus begins to follow, only to stop and raise his cane*
Seamus: Thank you mah boy, oh, and could I have a word with you?
Bingo: ... Sure.
4. Kyle Walker/Angelo Sabitini vs Dan Sommers/HOCK
Dan and HOCK were unleashed upon the ring and it was wild, that is for sure! Kyle had to fight through the random 'POOL BOY' chants from hecklers, and brutality from these two men seemed to be on tap for tonight. Angelo though will not be denied, a powerful brute of a man who took everything and dished it right back! Sommers seemed to want to murder both men, as well as make fools of them, as Angelo hit the big powerslam on HOCK, only for Sommers to come in, shout at HOCK to get his ass up and go back to the apron! Sommers and Angelo battled it out at the end, only for Sommers to hit Angelo's own Powerslam on him and lock in the Scorpion Deathlock and force him to tap out and take a hit in the pride department!
Dan Sommers(O)/HOCK (Powerslam -> Alabama Deathlock) Angelo Sabitini(X)/Kyle Walker
This next match is another RETournament bout, between that pretentious prick, Tommy Fiero and the legend himself, Dante Black, making his return to action after a long layoff! From what we understand, Dante went through a lot of soul searching, lots of training and is back and better than ever! But is he ready for the very dangerous Tommy Fiero right off the bat?
5. RETournament: Dante Black vs Tommy Fiero
The action was hot and heavy, as Dante proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was no ring rust here! The fans got everything the could have bargained for out of this one and more, with an amazingly, well, Fiero finish. Dante hitting the huge HULK BUSTER on Fiero, and Fiero somehow staggering to his feet, only to get bashed back down to the mat and pinned for the 3-count. There is no doubt that both of these men are on top of their game, and that tonight was Dante's night, as he makes a successful return to action!
Dante Black (Hulk Buster -> Pinfall) Tommy Fiero
Our last RETournament bout is a huge hossfest of a match, as Caleb Dod, the DOD SQUAD muscle takes on the returning SUPERFUCKING STAR, JASON BLACKHART! The anticipation is building as Caleb makes his way down the ramp to a mixed reaction, only for, yes, JASON BLACKHART HAS ARRIVED..
WAIT... WAIT... This is some Dod trickery -- POLLY DOD!? POLLY IN A REF'S SHIRT?! Jason is shaking here, as it looks like Jack Dod has arranged for Polly Dod, Jason's WEAKNESS to be the ref for this match!
6. RETournament: Jason Blackhart vs Caleb Dod
To say the odds are stacked against Jason is a bit much here, the woman that he, of all people, Jason Blackhart, might love is in the ring as the ref, while Caleb Dod is hungry and looking for blood. Caleb goes right to work at dismantling JB, a quick count on JB to start the match, and JB is looking at Polly in dismay, how could she do this to him? Caleb with a Calebomb, but Jason gets the ropes, this is just brutal! JB trying to fight back -- HAND OF DOD -- WAIT! KICK TO THE BALLS! DECEPTICON DRIVER! DD! DD! THE FANS ARE GOING CRAZY! Caleb is completely out of it, he can't get up! This one is over! Polly has no choice but to call for the bell on this one.
Jason Blackhart (Decepticon Driver --> CRITICAL) Caleb Dod
Wait! HOLY DHIY! Jason has Polly, and he is forcing a big kiss onto her, and Polly looks like.. Oh my god, she might like it! Polly has fainted! Polly Dod has fainted from the force of Jason Blackhart's mighty kiss! JB going to all 4 corners to celebrate and the crowd is going WILD! JASON BLACKHART IS BACK!
The fans are electric now, as this show has them on edge now, its been a wild and crazy night so far, and we have reached the end of the line, the UWH Championship match between Jack Dod and Twinky McLanahan! The big one! We've been waiting for this rematch for over a year now, and its here!
7. Unified WILD Heavyweight Championship: Twinky McLanahan (C) vs Jack Dod
Ladies and gentlemen, your special ENFORCER referee for this huge main event, JOHNNY BINGO! Bingo makes his way to the ring to a loud applause as the lights go dim, the Dod Squad symbol appears on the big screen, here comes JACK DOD!
Now, the Champion, Twinky McLanahan makes his way to the ring, brandishing the UWH Championship, what everybody is here to see! This is going to be insane, and the fans are already going wild for this.
Watch this if you watch nothing else on this. No write up will do this video justice.
This was everything we could come to expect from these two meeting, and truly the next chapter in where this goes, this time Jack Dod low-blowing and FOUR FIGURE LEG LOCKIN' his way to become the champion for an unprecedented second time! The fans do not know what to make of this, but the DOD ERA begins anew, and nobody knows what to expect this time around!
Jack Dod (Four Figure Leg Lock) Twinky McLanahan
Wait.. Wait.. WHAT!?
WHAT THE FUCK!? That music.. JASON BLACKHART! JASON BLACKHART IS STORMING THE RING! A ref tries to stop him on the outside -- STUNNER! STUNNER! Haddes is down! Haddes down! Johnny Bingo looks on in dismay, as Jack Dod is attempting to celebrate in the ring! JB up top, FUCK YOU!, going for the diving lariat! The Champ moves out of the way! A smile on the face of the champ as JB gets up, he is inviting him to come at him -- STUNNER ON THE CHAMP! Refs are coming in trying to stop this! MDK in the ring! CHAIR TO THE SKULL! He tries to get up and eats a lariat to the back of the skull completely killing him dead as Johnny Bingo is left, he doesn't know what to do, kick to JB! Aww hell, that'll just piss him off! Chokeslam onto the chair! MOOSE STRAGULATION!!!!!!! He picks up the dazed Bingo, STUNNER! STUNNER! STUNNER! JB boogying in the ring! BAH GAWD JB IS A HOUSE ON FIRE TONIGHT! JB IS BACK! WILD IS BACK! NEW HERO!
JB making his way to the back as the fans are calming down, Twinky trying to recompose himself and take his bows to the crowd.. The fans will always respect and love Twinky Mc... JB turns around! We get a bit of a staredown, but it looks like.. OH DEAR! STUNNER! STUNNER!
New Forums
Big thanks for Vermin; http://www.fireprozomg.com/pw-wild/forum/index.php
Hopefully a website soon as well!
Hopefully a website soon as well!
Ground Rules; For Public Consumption
I know people are working on their edits right now or whatever, so here are some good ground rules to follow;
-- Try not to use another dude's finisher. This seems like general logic, but I want to be 100% sure. Try to get a bio read and either get a blogspot account or post it on the board so one of us can post it on the blogspot page. Right now I have Gabriel and Sommers up; which means I'd kinda like to see people not use the go 2 sleep (sorry KENTA/Punk fans :*() or the Fisherman Suplex. I know its difficult, but it also sucks to have somebody's finisher completely ruined by happening in another match on the card 12 times in a row because somebody doesn't think its a big move.
-- Use discretion with moves. A lot of us have gotten a lot more subtle when it comes to creating movesets than in the past. I really don't want to see a finisher and 4 deadly moves as specials at this point in the game. That really isn't the style we should be going for. I really detest the whole ROH 2.9-fest, kick out of everything and throw nothing but huge moves kind of stuff and don't want to have to deal with it. Especially with the Fire Pro engine. Watch some of JD's Bingo-1 shows or something to get a feel. Strikes are your friend, and are needed. If you submit an edit without grappling strikes, somebody is just going to add them in there. Its just stupid to not have them, and unrealistic and makes for boring fucking matches. Its probably a good idea to have at least two moves that keep your opponent standing after you hit them.
-- Points and logic are your friends. The lower the stats, generally, the longer and more competitive the matches. The Spunk I rebuilt on here had like 210 points and was horrible, now he is down to 180 and is a lot more manageable. Also keep in mind we don't want to see your finisher non-stop. That kinda sucks.
-- TL;DR? Please, try to get to the point. I speak for a lot of people when I say that character development is cool and all, but if you can't do it within a page or maybe two in Word, you are probably putting way too much thought into this. You can really, really say a lot sometimes in a short amount of space.
-- Have fun. That is the main key ingredient, and it wasn't fun before and that was why it stopped. Period. If you are too busy or too wrapped up in your own virtual world, cool, just don't try to get too contrived, because it makes things worse for everybody else.
-- Try not to use another dude's finisher. This seems like general logic, but I want to be 100% sure. Try to get a bio read and either get a blogspot account or post it on the board so one of us can post it on the blogspot page. Right now I have Gabriel and Sommers up; which means I'd kinda like to see people not use the go 2 sleep (sorry KENTA/Punk fans :*() or the Fisherman Suplex. I know its difficult, but it also sucks to have somebody's finisher completely ruined by happening in another match on the card 12 times in a row because somebody doesn't think its a big move.
-- Use discretion with moves. A lot of us have gotten a lot more subtle when it comes to creating movesets than in the past. I really don't want to see a finisher and 4 deadly moves as specials at this point in the game. That really isn't the style we should be going for. I really detest the whole ROH 2.9-fest, kick out of everything and throw nothing but huge moves kind of stuff and don't want to have to deal with it. Especially with the Fire Pro engine. Watch some of JD's Bingo-1 shows or something to get a feel. Strikes are your friend, and are needed. If you submit an edit without grappling strikes, somebody is just going to add them in there. Its just stupid to not have them, and unrealistic and makes for boring fucking matches. Its probably a good idea to have at least two moves that keep your opponent standing after you hit them.
-- Points and logic are your friends. The lower the stats, generally, the longer and more competitive the matches. The Spunk I rebuilt on here had like 210 points and was horrible, now he is down to 180 and is a lot more manageable. Also keep in mind we don't want to see your finisher non-stop. That kinda sucks.
-- TL;DR? Please, try to get to the point. I speak for a lot of people when I say that character development is cool and all, but if you can't do it within a page or maybe two in Word, you are probably putting way too much thought into this. You can really, really say a lot sometimes in a short amount of space.
-- Have fun. That is the main key ingredient, and it wasn't fun before and that was why it stopped. Period. If you are too busy or too wrapped up in your own virtual world, cool, just don't try to get too contrived, because it makes things worse for everybody else.
Tommy Fiero

Nicknames: Hot Rockin', Mr. Pretentious, The Metal Prince, The All Night Party Machine, Box Office Platinum, The Auteur, Big League, Ladies Choice, Super Sport, The Promotion Killer, King Karaoke, License to Thrill and many, many more
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 224 lbs.
Hometown: Currently resides in Venice Beach, CA
Theme Music: Random, usually some kind of Cock Rock
Likes: Loose Women, Alcohol, Metal, Camaros, Action Movies, Talking Shit
Dislikes: Whiney Bitch Rock, Whiney Bitches, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Hairy Chicks, Spunk Pro
Moves Tommy Does Really Good:
Whammy Bar aka CUT!! (Ace Crusher)
The Lock of Rock (Sickle Hold)
Bang Your Head (Brainbuster)
Rockin' Kick (Corner to Center Super Kick)
Slingshot Missile Kick
Moves Tommy Does Good:
Savate Kicks
Jumping Neckbreaker
School Boy Rollup with a Handful of Tights
Angry Double Fisted Choke of Pure Desperation
Cross Bodyblock of both the Diving and Flying Variety
Titles Held:
VWA World Heavyweight Championship
Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship
Worst Wrestling Movie Ever Award - Golden Raspberry Award Foundation
David Lee Roth Impersonator of the Year 2004 - Van Halen Tribute Band Face-Off!
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