12.30.07 | Pro-Wrestling WILD | WILD Resolution.08
Note: Due to technical difficulties I was unable to capture sound, so music is in the place of in-game sound. Difficulties with capturing the cage match (tech glitches) meant it will be a write-up only
We welcome you on the eve of the eve of 2008 to WILD Resolution.08, and we have a card jam-packed for you tonight, as Jason Blackhart finally gets his shot at Jack Dod, Dante Black will attempt to get vengeance for the months of abuse he has received from Tommy Fiero, YUSUKE will have his shot at Spunk after Spunk turned his back on YUSUKE and the fans, the WILD Junior Heavyweight Championship will be decided, the International Heavyweight Championship is on the line and we have a STEEL CAGE match between LRI and the Celtic Bruisers for the WILD Tag Team Championship.
To kick things off, we have a pleasant surprise for the fans, as we have a junior heavyweight scramble between 3 junior heavyweight contenders MIRYOKO, Kyle Walker and Paradigm!
Music: Days of the New -- Dancing with the Wind
The fans got exactly what they asked for in a WILD junior heavyweight scramble to get them amped up to start the show. It was quick-paced, with MIRYOKO trying to slow the pace down, bringing out his wide array of submissions into the mix, while Kyle and Paradigm were slugging it out and quickening the match. The match finished off with MIRYOKO capitalizing one both men's fatigue level, as Paradigm hits the Cradle Piledriver on Kyle Walker, but is too dazed to make the cover, as MIRYOKO locks in the Cattle Mutilation on Walker and that was that.
Music: Neurosis -- Given to the Rising
The next match is for the WILD Junior Heavyweight Championship, this is a tournament finals where Billy Hollywood will face off with Juan Leche. Juan Leche, the established veteran of Pro-Wrestling WILD's Junior Heavyweight division finally has his chance to win the big one, but he has to go through Billy Hollywood, the... unique newcomer to WILD. It was a back and forth match, with Hollywood's unique brand of.. well, sexual molestation offense really getting under the skin of Juan Leche. It must be impossible to get over having a man like Hollywood groping, poking and prodding as opposed to simply fighting like a man... And it was overwhelming for Leche, as a frankensteiner from Hollywood (with... grinding, I should add) was enough for a quick 3-count, crowning Billy Hollywood as the new WILD Junior Heavyweight Champion.
Music: Vintersorg -- The Explorer
The third match is for the WILD International Heavyweight Championship, between Mr. Canada X, Shady and the champion, Dan Sommers. This match is a big deal for Sommers, who feels insulted by Shady and him interrupting his beatdown of Jason Blackhart, as well as their other recent interactions. Shady has everything to gain, as he could win back the title that he introduced to the company as the CWD Hardkore Championship. Shady has been able to avoid the deadly Alabama Nightmare thusfar, but he has to be worried about that big knee to the face that has felled many opponents in the past few months. It was a back and forth match, with Shady actually dominating a good portion of the late parts of the match, much to Sommers' chagrin. Shady had Sommers reeling on the outside, Shady attempting to get a count-out win when something snapped in Sommers, as he charges back in and was able to hit the Alabama Nightmare -- and it connects full force! The ref pushes Sommers out of the way as he smirks his evil smirk and checks on Shady, and he calls for the bell and for medical attention.
Music: Iron Maiden -- A Thin Line Between Love and Hate
Since Spunk's shocking turn just a few weeks ago he and the other of the Cerberus have been on a rampage, involving a huge incident between those three and the fans, with them tearing fans over the barriers, injuring a few and forcing WILD's lawyers to settle with a few of them. YUSUKE stuck up for Spunk even when Spunk had turned on him, and in the end it was Spunk who continually betrayed the gullible YUSUKE. This match was a brutal, with YUSUKE bloodying Spunk up and assaulting him with a wide array of suplexes and strikes, only for Spunk to come back and brutalize him. YUSUKE was saved later on by the ropes after a brutal running face kick from Spunk! YUSUKE came back with a big dragon suplex but only scores the 2.999! The German Suplex that followed it had the same results, with YUSUKE looking frustrated now, and Spunk looking surprised by his former student's resilience. Spunk stumbles up and rolls YUSUKE up! 1!! 2!! 3!! Spunk just stole this one!
Music: Tool -- Eulogy
Now comes Dante Black against Tommy Fiero, a match that Dante Black has been waiting for since their last meeting -- not because Fiero beat him, but the other way around. Its because Dante beat Tommy and Tommy has refused to let this go. The past few months Dante can't turn a corner without being attacked by not only Fiero, but Brian Lee, and then Spunk, who turned on him in a tag team match. Since then Dante has been in and out of the hospital for numerous injuries, with the last injustice being Fiero going after a fan with a chair just to rile up Dante and force him (who was beating Fiero down, by the by) to dive in the way and force himself to further injury. This match played out very similarly to their last meeting, with back-and-forth action, with Dante hitting the Hulk Buster, but Fiero able to tie himself up in the ropes to avoid getting pinned. Fiero recovered and hit a high crossbody on Dante for a nearfall. Dante's luck seemed to have run out as he hits a second Hulk Buster on Fiero! He is looking to just murder Fiero, letting out all of the past few months' stress out on Fiero, but Fiero again with his foot on the ropes. Fiero utilized his speed and kicks throughout the whole match, scoring a nearfall with a diving body press, this just angering Dante Black as Dante pulls himself back up, Fiero trying to recover and Dante hitting a scary lariat to the back of the head on Fiero, Fiero going down hard for a 3-count!
The next match was too brutal for television, as it was a meeting between LRI and the Celtic Bruisers, in a feud so brutal that it culminated into a brutal cage match between the two. LRI came to the ring with weapons, as they are ready to just throw down. That doesn't mean that the Bruisers were caught off-guard, oh no, they came in ready to brawl. They didn't bring any weapons with them, instead they just brought their fists, and that was enough for them! Stuart, who was caught off his game the last time Sean and himself met due to a loss to Spunk the night before seemed to be more on his game tonight as the first thing he did was go for a fork in his boot and start stabbing away Gabriel, opening up a huge cut above his forehead almost right away, as Baker is fighting off VD.
The cage itself came into play early on, with Baker ducking a diving lariat from VD and sandwiching him between the ropes and the cage, upside down as Baker charges at him, uncharacteristically tossing his body at VD, sandwiching him against the cage! At the same time Stuart is slamming Sean's head against the cage, only for Sean to catch himself, then slam Stuart's face into it, following up by grinding his face against the fencing, opening up a huge gusher on his forehead! This has just turned into a bloodbath, as VD has also opened up a gusher from crashing into the cage.
From here it is brawling galore, with fists, chops, headbutts and kicks flying around all over the place. Sean catches Stuart with a lariat and is heading up top, looking for a diving fist drop, only for VD to pull Stuart out of the way, Sean's fist nailing the mat! Paddy elbows VD in the back of the head, hard, sending him crashing to the mat. Stuart is picking himself up as Paddy is laying the fists on thick right onto the cut. He double underhooks him and hits a big double arm suplex on Stuart! He makes a cover, but its only a nearfall as VD is able to hop over for the save.
There is blood covering the mat now, as 3 out of the 4 are busted wide open. Sean is trying to pick himself up, bloody and his hand bothering him, as he stands up right into a running STO from VD, planting him to the mat! Stuart and Paddy are brawling back and forth as VD approaches with a chair and BAM! -- cracks Paddy across the skull with the chair! Paddy Baker is busted wide open now, as he rolls around on the mat trying to assess the damage, only to have both of LRI raining down the blows on his skull! VD picks him up, sets him up for a backdrop and calls for Stuart to do the coup de grace! Stuart off the ropes and he NAILS the Burning Lariat, sending Baker into the backdrop from VD! Stuart falls over him for the cover... 1.........2.........2.999!! Sean dove over for the save and just got it in the nick of time. All four men are busted wide open, blood everywhere!
Sean goes for a right hand on Stuart, and it connects but it might have hurt him as much as it hurt Stuart! Paddy is still down, trying to dust the cobwebs off of him, as VD is pulling himself up the ropes. Sean picks up a chair from the ground and smashes VD across the skull with it, and he might be out! Stuart is picking himself up, and Sean is peppering him with left hands, we have blood literally spraying off of him as the fists connect with his face! Sean goes for a lariat, but Stuart is able to duck it, Sean face first into the cage.. Stuart calling for a lariat now, which would sandwich Sean against the cage! He bolts off the ropes, throwing his arm, and Paddy pulls himself up and pulls his partner out of the way, Stuart running face first into the cage! Sean quickly gathers himself up, hooks Stuart and hits a backdrop suplex hold! Paddy Baker quickly pulls himself up and lays over Stuart's legs, keeping him pinned to the mat... 1...........2...........3!! Its over! The Celtic Bruisers have won this brutal, bloody battle!
Music: Wolves in the Throne Room -- Behold the Vastness and Sorrow
Now its time for the big one, the Unified WILD Heavyweight Championship, Jack Dod, the champion versus Jason Blackhart. This one is months in the making, with Jack Dod winning the UWH Championship from Twinky, and Jason Blackhart narrowly losing a tournament final to Dante Black, at the hands of Jack Dod. Since then, its been back and forth, with many, many obstacles in Blackhart's way; The entire Dod Squad, Seamus McFadden, a bounty out on his head, Cerberus, and so on and so on. Multiple attacks, multiple concussions on Blackhart and we have finally reached this point!
Both men in the ring, the introductions are done, the entrance gear is shed, the title has been presented to both, and it is go time! Things came to a head right away, and what ensued was pure chaos, both men throwing their entire arsenal of moves at each other. Jack Dod did things in twos; two Four Figure Leg Locks, two Dodsmacks and Blackhart would not go down! JB hit 3 stunners, with none of them able to put Dod away, nor did the Moose Strangulation, what we have is a complete stalemate! The champ is bloodied, bruised and takes his third stunner late in the match for a two-count. The champ springs up and he walks right into the Decepticon Driver! 1!! 2!! 3!!! We have a NEWWWWWWWWWWWW Champion! Jason Blackhart has overcome the odds and won himself the big one!
Blackhart celebrating in the ring with his title as the Dod Squad helps Jack Dod to the back, him looking defeated and beaten. This has been quite a show! Thank you for joining us!
1. MIRYOKO (19:03 -- Cattle Mutilation) Kyle Walker, Paradigm
2. WILD Junior Heavyweight Championship: Billy Hollywood (14:54 -- Hollywoodsteiner) Juan Leche
3. WILD International Heavyweight Championship: Dan Sommers(C) (10:38 -- KO) Shady
4. Spunk (14:42 -- Inside Cradle) YUSUKE
5. Dante Black (14:05 -- Lariat) Tommy Fiero
6. Pro-Wrestling WILD Tag Team Championship: Celtic Bruisers (Sean Gabriel/Paddy Baker)(O) (15:04 -- Backdrop Hold) Los Rudos Infernos (Stuart Robinson(X)/VD Dod)
7. Unified WILD Heavyweight Championship: Jason Blackhart (22:03 -- Decepticon Driver) Jack Dod
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